Friday, May 29, 2009


To My Five Loyal Followers,
I am humbled a little bit and appreciative of your following of me and my blog. Please tell your friends and family to follow also, especially if they have connections and/or are literary agents. It is not in any way an exaggeration to state that I have been updating with absolute and utter regularity since this blog's inception decades upon decades upon tens of years ago, and so I felt I should inform you all five that I will be taking a brief hiatus for about three (that's the number 3) weeks. Please do not worry about me, it's not all that probable that I've died or worse. Yet I also implore you to not forget me while I'm out of your lives or stop following my blog. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the archives, re-read your favorite posts over and over, ignore the accidentally repeated jokes, et (and Peter) cetera. I am worth so much of your time you should be paying me to do this instead of the other way around. Rest assured and for at least eight hours that I will be back in three (3) weeks to continue to provide for you hilarity, or my name ain't MJ Hansen, which is exactly who I am.

1 comment:

Mikeosaurus said...

Aww man. This is sad. In fact, as tagged, it might just be the saddest post I've ever read. Well, there was that one post I tried to read. It was just a wooden post, stuck in the ground. It had no sign, so reading it was really difficult. Come to think of it, it wasn't so much the post that was sad so much as the situation of me trying to read a huge chunk of wood.

I am saddened by your hiatus, but I wish you the best on your voyage, wherever it may be--especially if it is to wrestle a bear. Show him who got the short end of the intelligence stick!