Monday, May 25, 2009


The Animal Kingdom has its king (lion), queen (angelfish) and court jester (Gallagher 2) but if any species qualifies as the evil sorcerer it is the bee. Yes, they provide honey and pollinate flowers, but they also buzz loudly and sting sharply. They look harmless, possibly even cute, if you're into that sort of thing, but like Veronica Lake in Double Indemnity they will murder you with their ass. Scoff if you must, but bees are deadly. They're the reason Macaulay Culkin died! They're cold-blooded child actor killers! The tyranny of the bee must stop. And we must rise up against them. If we all take a stand and say "No" to bees we can defeat them in their little winged tracks. And no more do we need to be afraid to picnic. No more do we need to be afraid to tireswing. No more do we need to afraid to stand in line at the swimming pool. Yes we can have a sting-free summer! Yes we can live without honey! Yes we can teach sex to our children with just the birds! If you can dream, it will be. Let's take back the skies, people! This message brought to you by The Committee to Spread the Blame Away From Wasps.

1 comment:

Baker's Venom Cleanser for Sting Cure said...

With the beginning of summer comes the blooming of trees, gardens and flowers, which in turn attracts bees and wasps of all kinds. But that is not the end of the worry of a sting. Many stings take place during the fall months. Reason being, bees and wasps are cold blooded insects and they linger around people in order to absorb the body heat of humans, therefore increasing the chances of getting stung.

Last week, I witnessed a 4 year old girl with her hand and forearm swollen to her elbow, from a wasp sting that she received to her fingertip the day before. The sight of her hand and arm brought tears to my eyes because I knew that if she had had Baker's Venom Cleanser available when see was stung, none of her discomfort would have elevated to that extreme point of swelling and discomfort.

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