Boy, that was fun and exciting!
And educational. What a package deal!
Thanks, you two. You’ve taught us a lot today.
About nicknames and fear.
About fire and basketball.
About speaking and bleeding.
And about love.
We did?
I did.
Well, aren’t you little Miss Special?
I picked up on the subtle subtext.
Okay, you two, that’s enough.
It’s okay, we fight because we care.
I wish that were true.
No seriously, get out. You’re hogging the limelight.
Okay, bye, bye!
(Gary and Mary exit.)
Well, this concludes Workplace Appropriateness, your corporate training video. Remember the lessons you have learned here, and apply them to your job and your life liberally. Follow your heart and fight for what you believe in. Stand up and turn around, never let them shoot us down. Never! Never! Love your job, but don’t love your job. Keep things in perspective by repeatedly keeping things in perspective. Above all, have confidence in yourself, because somebody has to. And always leave your audience guessing. Thank you all, I have been your host, Kendra. Or have I?
(She laughs heartily, maniacally. Lights fade out. The End!)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
(Amos and Kendra rush to stage right where Butch is just finishing up his Big Presentation. Amy and Chad are seated. Kendra takes one of the two empty seats, Amos stands behind her. Butch is standing by the table, which has a briefcase of props from which he pulls the items referenced below. He is wearing springy eyes and rabbit ears.)
Science. (Brandishes beaker.) Salamander! (Brandishes lizard.) Strangulation! (Strangles lizard until it is dead from it.) Sorrow. (He bows his head, forlorn.) Synergy. (He places the dead lizard in the beaker.) Suggestion? (He ponders the beaker with the lizard corpse.) Salesmanship. (He hands the beaker to Chad, who gives him a dollar, and they shake hands.) Success! (He holds the dollar up for all to see, kissing it.)
(Rising and applauding.) Inspired! Poetic! Like brain food for the soul.
(Rising and applauding.) Ingenious! Mercenary! A wolf in sheep’s clothing, if either animal wore business casual attire.
Thank you, thank you. I’d like to dedicate my Big Presentation to the memory of Newbie, who will be dead soon from cancer of the unemployment. Have fun crashing and burning, loser.
Now, now, let’s not pass judgment until Amos here fails.
You’re up, kid. Try not to suck all the excess awesome out of the room.
You’ll do fine, Amos. Just remember everything I taught you and you can’t go wrong.
(Amos takes Butch’s place.)
Madame CEO, Ms. Chad. (To audience.) Population of Japan. I’m just a humble man-
I’m just a humble man, with simple, honest, old American fashioned values. I may not have the whiz-bang thought process or thirst for blood my co-worker has, but I do have my beliefs, which are just as meaningful, if not as apropos. I believe a smile is a frown turned upside down, and a wink is your eye as an anus. I believe there are no shortcuts in life aside from nepotism and the Suez Canal. I believe the world will keep spinning without you, unless you’re the moon. I believe in taking time to stop and smell the roses, giving yourself a time out, and making time to bleed. I believe in sleeping on the sofa all day and eating Nilla Wafers for dinner. I believe we are all special, not just autistic kids. I believe in putting aside our differences and embracing in one big conformity hug! Be fruitful and multiply, not a long division vegetable. Stop looking at people’s colors as a hindrance: Yellow, green, purple, blue, see what it means to you. Only through understanding can we come together, so stop trying other methods, you’re wasting our time. Above all, remember that the opposite of hate isn’t love, it’s cold. Or wait. That’s the opposite of hot. I don’t know what the opposite of hate is. Love? The important thing is to never forget who you are, and heed the words of the Burly Bard, Shakespeare, “To thine own selfish be truant.” Thank you.
(Pause. Amy begins a slow clap, which Chad soon joins, as does Kendra, and reluctantly, Butch.)
(Rising.) Incredible. Powerful. A symphony of talkage!
(Rising.) Astounding. Resounding. It was succinct, but it didn’t suck ink.
Newbie, you’ve bested me. By speaking your mind, you’ve spoken all our minds, like some sort of chatty mind-reader. It’s almost scary, like a PG-13 horror movie.
You did it, Amos Newbie! Way to fulfill your destiny.
Wait, wait! Let’s not jump to any conclusions just yet. We still have to hear what the Japanese have to say.
(To an entity offstage right.) Mr. Japanese CEO, we are honored by your presence and trust your journey to our country was pleasant and uneventful. But more importantly, whadya think?
(The Japanese CEO responds, his voice is the muted trombone of Charlie Brown’s teacher.)
What’d he say, what’d he say?
He said this was the closest Big Presentation contest he’s ever seen, both employees acquitted themselves admirably, but there was ultimately only one clear winner. And that winner’s name…. is… the name… of… Amos Newbie!
Hooray! Hooray! You won! It’s great! Confetti!
He also said that he and his countrymen will purchase Incorpoco for sixty bajillion yen, or nine hundred fazillion American dollars, or one hundred and fifty panda bears!
This is too god to be true! Now I can retire and fulfill my dream of staging an all-panda bear reenactment of the entire Civil War! The twist is that at the end I will enslave them all.
And I can take over as CEO of Incorpoco and fulfill my dream of taking over as CEO of Incorpoco! I shall rule my employees with an iron fist, and they shall build monuments in my likeness and sandwiches in my name. Then I shall eat the sandwiches.
And I can leave this crazy rat race and fulfill my dream of seeing the world, no longer bound by the restrictive time clock or dress code. I’ll go wherever I want whenever I want. And I’ll wear ironic t-shirts so no one will be certain what I’m thinking.
And I can return to my home planet Gazleepnick, where I live a quiet life running an
Interstellar Casino and having brief and meaningless flings with bikini space babes. But every now and then, I’ll look up to the stars and remember this day, cry one lonely tear and cut one single, solitary fart. Good-bye.
Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye!
(They wave to one another and the audience, as they exit. Kendra, Gary and Mary cross to center stage.)
Science. (Brandishes beaker.) Salamander! (Brandishes lizard.) Strangulation! (Strangles lizard until it is dead from it.) Sorrow. (He bows his head, forlorn.) Synergy. (He places the dead lizard in the beaker.) Suggestion? (He ponders the beaker with the lizard corpse.) Salesmanship. (He hands the beaker to Chad, who gives him a dollar, and they shake hands.) Success! (He holds the dollar up for all to see, kissing it.)
(Rising and applauding.) Inspired! Poetic! Like brain food for the soul.
(Rising and applauding.) Ingenious! Mercenary! A wolf in sheep’s clothing, if either animal wore business casual attire.
Thank you, thank you. I’d like to dedicate my Big Presentation to the memory of Newbie, who will be dead soon from cancer of the unemployment. Have fun crashing and burning, loser.
Now, now, let’s not pass judgment until Amos here fails.
You’re up, kid. Try not to suck all the excess awesome out of the room.
You’ll do fine, Amos. Just remember everything I taught you and you can’t go wrong.
(Amos takes Butch’s place.)
Madame CEO, Ms. Chad. (To audience.) Population of Japan. I’m just a humble man-
I’m just a humble man, with simple, honest, old American fashioned values. I may not have the whiz-bang thought process or thirst for blood my co-worker has, but I do have my beliefs, which are just as meaningful, if not as apropos. I believe a smile is a frown turned upside down, and a wink is your eye as an anus. I believe there are no shortcuts in life aside from nepotism and the Suez Canal. I believe the world will keep spinning without you, unless you’re the moon. I believe in taking time to stop and smell the roses, giving yourself a time out, and making time to bleed. I believe in sleeping on the sofa all day and eating Nilla Wafers for dinner. I believe we are all special, not just autistic kids. I believe in putting aside our differences and embracing in one big conformity hug! Be fruitful and multiply, not a long division vegetable. Stop looking at people’s colors as a hindrance: Yellow, green, purple, blue, see what it means to you. Only through understanding can we come together, so stop trying other methods, you’re wasting our time. Above all, remember that the opposite of hate isn’t love, it’s cold. Or wait. That’s the opposite of hot. I don’t know what the opposite of hate is. Love? The important thing is to never forget who you are, and heed the words of the Burly Bard, Shakespeare, “To thine own selfish be truant.” Thank you.
(Pause. Amy begins a slow clap, which Chad soon joins, as does Kendra, and reluctantly, Butch.)
(Rising.) Incredible. Powerful. A symphony of talkage!
(Rising.) Astounding. Resounding. It was succinct, but it didn’t suck ink.
Newbie, you’ve bested me. By speaking your mind, you’ve spoken all our minds, like some sort of chatty mind-reader. It’s almost scary, like a PG-13 horror movie.
You did it, Amos Newbie! Way to fulfill your destiny.
Wait, wait! Let’s not jump to any conclusions just yet. We still have to hear what the Japanese have to say.
(To an entity offstage right.) Mr. Japanese CEO, we are honored by your presence and trust your journey to our country was pleasant and uneventful. But more importantly, whadya think?
(The Japanese CEO responds, his voice is the muted trombone of Charlie Brown’s teacher.)
What’d he say, what’d he say?
He said this was the closest Big Presentation contest he’s ever seen, both employees acquitted themselves admirably, but there was ultimately only one clear winner. And that winner’s name…. is… the name… of… Amos Newbie!
Hooray! Hooray! You won! It’s great! Confetti!
He also said that he and his countrymen will purchase Incorpoco for sixty bajillion yen, or nine hundred fazillion American dollars, or one hundred and fifty panda bears!
This is too god to be true! Now I can retire and fulfill my dream of staging an all-panda bear reenactment of the entire Civil War! The twist is that at the end I will enslave them all.
And I can take over as CEO of Incorpoco and fulfill my dream of taking over as CEO of Incorpoco! I shall rule my employees with an iron fist, and they shall build monuments in my likeness and sandwiches in my name. Then I shall eat the sandwiches.
And I can leave this crazy rat race and fulfill my dream of seeing the world, no longer bound by the restrictive time clock or dress code. I’ll go wherever I want whenever I want. And I’ll wear ironic t-shirts so no one will be certain what I’m thinking.
And I can return to my home planet Gazleepnick, where I live a quiet life running an
Interstellar Casino and having brief and meaningless flings with bikini space babes. But every now and then, I’ll look up to the stars and remember this day, cry one lonely tear and cut one single, solitary fart. Good-bye.
Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye!
(They wave to one another and the audience, as they exit. Kendra, Gary and Mary cross to center stage.)
Monday, January 25, 2010
(Mary and Gary enter and cross to center stage.)
Why, hello there! It’s time once again for Mary and Gary, the Safetyness Twins! We hope you missed us.
She hopes. I hope you’re not one of the many Corporate Americans who has a fear of public speaking.
Did you know that more people have a fear of public speaking than have a fear of spiders?
More people have a fear of public speaking than live in Duluth, Minnesota.
More people have a fear of public speaking than saw the 1989 film Second Sight, starring John Larroquette and Bronson Pinchot. These statistics are courtesy of the National Association of Public Fear Phobics, who would have presented it themselves, if not for their crippling fear of presenting.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. If you follow the Eight Simple Rules of Public Speaking Safetyness, you can conquer your fear and the office.
Rule Number One: Try surprising your audience with an unusual speaking style. Remove all punctuation, perhaps. Affecting a strange accent, or ending each sentence with a home-spun colloquialism such as, “Sweet Joey Christmas,” “Jesus Wept,” or “Jammin’ on the One!”
Rule Number Two: As in Knife Safetyness, it helps to give your audience a nickname, such as That Crowd, Baby Swipes, or Stabby Jeff. Give them a common back story, like they’ve all survived a plane crash, or they’re all conspiring to murder you.
Rule Number Three: Don’t be self-conscious, but seriously, speak up! And tuck in your shirt, you look like a slob. This isn’t a Third Grade Recital, this is the Big Leagues, The Show, The Shmoopy, The Parent’s Table, The Adult GI Joes! And stop being self-conscious!
Rule Number Four: Imagine everyone in the audience in their underwear. Now you can feel confident that no one is paying attention to what you’re saying, as they will be transfixed by your enormous erection.
Rule Number Five: Open with a joke, especially a knock-knock joke, as it involves the audience. However, if your audience consists of homeless people, avoid the knock-knock joke, as it just reminds them they’re homeless. Just get them drunk.
Rule Number Six: If you feel as if you’re going to faint, make sure your knees aren’t locked. Do five or six deep-knee bends to get the circulation going. It can also help to put your head betwixt your knees, or betwixt the knees of the nearest audience member. Take deep, noisy, phlegmatic inhalations and exhale profoundly, swooning as if the Pope has given you his Promise Ring. Most importantly, do not stop speaking while doing this. Most people will think it’s part of the presentation, and the rest won’t be paying attention anyway.
Rule Number Seven: Be succinct, don’t suck ink. I’m not sure what that means yet, but it seems wise.
And finally, Rule Number Eight: Remember that public speaking is nothing to fear. Your peers will have already judged you before you open your mouth, and nothing you say or do is going to change their opinion. So have fun! Or just get drunk.
Don’t mind if I do!
I do.
God damn it, you’re so judgmental!
(Mary storms off, Gary follows her.)
I judge because I care, sister!
How do you feel now, Amos Newbie?
I am One Hundred Percent Cured! I am One Hundred Percent Psyched! I am One Hundred Percent Ready to Rock This Big Presentation!
Great, I’m so glad you’re not nervous. But you are ten minutes late.
Sweet Joey Christmas!
Hey, that’s a good start!
Why, hello there! It’s time once again for Mary and Gary, the Safetyness Twins! We hope you missed us.
She hopes. I hope you’re not one of the many Corporate Americans who has a fear of public speaking.
Did you know that more people have a fear of public speaking than have a fear of spiders?
More people have a fear of public speaking than live in Duluth, Minnesota.
More people have a fear of public speaking than saw the 1989 film Second Sight, starring John Larroquette and Bronson Pinchot. These statistics are courtesy of the National Association of Public Fear Phobics, who would have presented it themselves, if not for their crippling fear of presenting.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. If you follow the Eight Simple Rules of Public Speaking Safetyness, you can conquer your fear and the office.
Rule Number One: Try surprising your audience with an unusual speaking style. Remove all punctuation, perhaps. Affecting a strange accent, or ending each sentence with a home-spun colloquialism such as, “Sweet Joey Christmas,” “Jesus Wept,” or “Jammin’ on the One!”
Rule Number Two: As in Knife Safetyness, it helps to give your audience a nickname, such as That Crowd, Baby Swipes, or Stabby Jeff. Give them a common back story, like they’ve all survived a plane crash, or they’re all conspiring to murder you.
Rule Number Three: Don’t be self-conscious, but seriously, speak up! And tuck in your shirt, you look like a slob. This isn’t a Third Grade Recital, this is the Big Leagues, The Show, The Shmoopy, The Parent’s Table, The Adult GI Joes! And stop being self-conscious!
Rule Number Four: Imagine everyone in the audience in their underwear. Now you can feel confident that no one is paying attention to what you’re saying, as they will be transfixed by your enormous erection.
Rule Number Five: Open with a joke, especially a knock-knock joke, as it involves the audience. However, if your audience consists of homeless people, avoid the knock-knock joke, as it just reminds them they’re homeless. Just get them drunk.
Rule Number Six: If you feel as if you’re going to faint, make sure your knees aren’t locked. Do five or six deep-knee bends to get the circulation going. It can also help to put your head betwixt your knees, or betwixt the knees of the nearest audience member. Take deep, noisy, phlegmatic inhalations and exhale profoundly, swooning as if the Pope has given you his Promise Ring. Most importantly, do not stop speaking while doing this. Most people will think it’s part of the presentation, and the rest won’t be paying attention anyway.
Rule Number Seven: Be succinct, don’t suck ink. I’m not sure what that means yet, but it seems wise.
And finally, Rule Number Eight: Remember that public speaking is nothing to fear. Your peers will have already judged you before you open your mouth, and nothing you say or do is going to change their opinion. So have fun! Or just get drunk.
Don’t mind if I do!
I do.
God damn it, you’re so judgmental!
(Mary storms off, Gary follows her.)
I judge because I care, sister!
How do you feel now, Amos Newbie?
I am One Hundred Percent Cured! I am One Hundred Percent Psyched! I am One Hundred Percent Ready to Rock This Big Presentation!
Great, I’m so glad you’re not nervous. But you are ten minutes late.
Sweet Joey Christmas!
Hey, that’s a good start!
Friday, January 22, 2010
(Mary and Gary exit stage-right where Amos and Butch are being lectured by Chad while Amy looks on. Chad has a briefcase from which he removes the props.)
In order to succeed in this competition, you need brass balls. (He removes brass balls from his briefcase.) You get me? You also need springy eyes (He removes and puts on springy eyes.) And you need rabbit ears! (Does the same.) And you need a carrot nose. Sorry I ate the carrot on the way here.
I’ve got all those things in spades. I’m gonna rock this Big Presentation, and knock the Japanese’s socks off! Especially because they won’t be wearing shoes.
I don’t understand how the rabbit ears are supposed to help, unless we’re providing Easter eggs.
You think is supposed to be funny? You think this is a joke? You think you got what takes, kid? I can tell just by looking at you that you don’t. You’re a loser, a waste of space. You’re like tonic water without the eighty-proof gin, a stray dog without the rabies, a decorative plate without the certificate of authenticity.
Amos?!? Is this true? Because I can’t have that. No way, no how, no way! If we go down, I go down and I am taking you down with me, so tell me straight up, are you in it to win it?
Trust me, I have an ace up my sleeve, and a Jack in my pants. I can win this thing, for you and for me and for everyone everywhere.
Don’t listen to him Madame CEO, he lies through his teeth, and when he cries.
You guys better understand how important this is. Chad here brought a chart to show you how much money this merger will bring to the company. Let’s show them.
(Amy and Chad remove a paper, which they unfold like a banner by walking away from one another. The banner reads, “Lots and Lots of $$$!!”!.)
And these numbers are ninety-nine percent accurate.
Great Caesar’s Snowpants!
Now to shock you, we also calculated how much we could stand to lose if the merger fails.
(Chad removes a piece of paper with a minus sign in front of the, “Lots and Lots of $$$!!!”.)
It boggles the mind.
Yahtzees it, even!
Boys, we can all agree these numbers Jenga the mind. And we’re counting on you. We’re counting on you to Connect Four our minds with your Big Presentations.
You can count on me, Madame CEO. I could win this competition right now with my eyes closed and my hair styled.
It’s not you I’m worried about, it’s Mr. Newbie here. Are you all set, Amos?
Well, I have a basic outline of a germ of an idea…
We should be thankful we have Butch here, who will surely be the winner of The Big Presentation. Maybe we should call the competition right here and now for Butch, and cut the dead weight while our metaphorical knives are figuratively sharp.
No, don’t! I’ll show you, I swear it! I work best under pressure. I gave up smoking cold turkey, and cigarettes. Besides, with your expectations so low, I’m certain to exceed them no matter what I do.
Ha! That’s almost as rich as I am.
You better pray for a miracle, Amos, or a natural disaster.
I’ve got my eye on you, Newbie. One false move and I’ll snare you like a drum! A bass drum!
(They all exit. Amos looks upward.)
God, Vishnu, Ghost Dad, whoever’s listening… I’m not a very religious person, the only time I prayed it was for a decent cup of coffee, a prayer which was answered, by the way, but this is even more important. I need to ace this Big Presentation. I need to eviscerate Butch off the face of the payroll. So I’m looking for some guidance here. I need a sign or a message, a leaflet or something. Please help me, God. I’ll be your best friend.
(Kendra enters.)
Amos? Amos Newbie?
Who’s asking?
It is I, Kendra, Corporate Spirit Guide.
Hey, I remember you, from Workplace Appropriateness.
That’s correct!
But, what are you doing here?
I’m here to assist you, Amos Newbie. To guide you along your spiritual path up the Corporate Ladder. I heard your call for help, in your thin, reedy voice. I’m here to make sure your Big Presentation is a complete success, for it is your destiny to succeed in this endeavor. But I have already revealed too much.
My destiny to succeed? Do I eventually become CEO?
Yes, but I have already revealed too much.
Do I become rich and powerful beyond my wildest dreams?
Yes, but I have already revealed too much.
What kind of car will I drive?
An El Camino, but I have already revealed too much.
How do you know so much about me?
I’m a Spirit Guide, we’re like the Wikipedia of the Netherworld. But we must act fast, we haven’t much time. The Big Presentations are in two days.
Two days! I’ll never be ready in time. Then my destiny won’t be fulfilled, causing a flux in the time-space continuum altering the fate of all mankind and thrusting us all closer and closer to apocalypse. Just like my last job!
Don’t worry, Amos Newbie. I can’t let that happen, not on my watch. Or else it’ll be curtains for me, and I don’t mean drapes!
Everyone keeps saying that, is it a thing I’m not hip to?
Perhaps not now, but you will be, Newbie. You will be. Newbie. Now, come on!
(Kendra drags Amos stage left, as fast and upbeat training music begins. In pantomime, she takes him through a strict training regimen, including jumping jacks, sit-ups, running in place, hand gestures, writing notes, referring to notes and gazing at the audience, shadowboxing, clicking on a slideshow clicker, and taking questions from the audience. When training is done, music stops.)
Not bad, not bad. You’re beginning to get the hang of it. And just in time, too. The Big Presentation is in forty-five minutes.
I can’t do it. I can’t do it, Kendra. I’m too scared. I have a fear of public speaking. What if I get up there and they all laugh at me, or I forget everything I was going to say, or there are bees?
Calm down, Amos Newbie. You’re going to be just fine.
No I won’t! I’m going to get up there and my mind will go blank and I’ll pass out and die and no one will love me!
Don’t worry, most of those things won’t happen. Don’t you remember my training video?
In order to succeed in this competition, you need brass balls. (He removes brass balls from his briefcase.) You get me? You also need springy eyes (He removes and puts on springy eyes.) And you need rabbit ears! (Does the same.) And you need a carrot nose. Sorry I ate the carrot on the way here.
I’ve got all those things in spades. I’m gonna rock this Big Presentation, and knock the Japanese’s socks off! Especially because they won’t be wearing shoes.
I don’t understand how the rabbit ears are supposed to help, unless we’re providing Easter eggs.
You think is supposed to be funny? You think this is a joke? You think you got what takes, kid? I can tell just by looking at you that you don’t. You’re a loser, a waste of space. You’re like tonic water without the eighty-proof gin, a stray dog without the rabies, a decorative plate without the certificate of authenticity.
Amos?!? Is this true? Because I can’t have that. No way, no how, no way! If we go down, I go down and I am taking you down with me, so tell me straight up, are you in it to win it?
Trust me, I have an ace up my sleeve, and a Jack in my pants. I can win this thing, for you and for me and for everyone everywhere.
Don’t listen to him Madame CEO, he lies through his teeth, and when he cries.
You guys better understand how important this is. Chad here brought a chart to show you how much money this merger will bring to the company. Let’s show them.
(Amy and Chad remove a paper, which they unfold like a banner by walking away from one another. The banner reads, “Lots and Lots of $$$!!”!.)
And these numbers are ninety-nine percent accurate.
Great Caesar’s Snowpants!
Now to shock you, we also calculated how much we could stand to lose if the merger fails.
(Chad removes a piece of paper with a minus sign in front of the, “Lots and Lots of $$$!!!”.)
It boggles the mind.
Yahtzees it, even!
Boys, we can all agree these numbers Jenga the mind. And we’re counting on you. We’re counting on you to Connect Four our minds with your Big Presentations.
You can count on me, Madame CEO. I could win this competition right now with my eyes closed and my hair styled.
It’s not you I’m worried about, it’s Mr. Newbie here. Are you all set, Amos?
Well, I have a basic outline of a germ of an idea…
We should be thankful we have Butch here, who will surely be the winner of The Big Presentation. Maybe we should call the competition right here and now for Butch, and cut the dead weight while our metaphorical knives are figuratively sharp.
No, don’t! I’ll show you, I swear it! I work best under pressure. I gave up smoking cold turkey, and cigarettes. Besides, with your expectations so low, I’m certain to exceed them no matter what I do.
Ha! That’s almost as rich as I am.
You better pray for a miracle, Amos, or a natural disaster.
I’ve got my eye on you, Newbie. One false move and I’ll snare you like a drum! A bass drum!
(They all exit. Amos looks upward.)
God, Vishnu, Ghost Dad, whoever’s listening… I’m not a very religious person, the only time I prayed it was for a decent cup of coffee, a prayer which was answered, by the way, but this is even more important. I need to ace this Big Presentation. I need to eviscerate Butch off the face of the payroll. So I’m looking for some guidance here. I need a sign or a message, a leaflet or something. Please help me, God. I’ll be your best friend.
(Kendra enters.)
Amos? Amos Newbie?
Who’s asking?
It is I, Kendra, Corporate Spirit Guide.
Hey, I remember you, from Workplace Appropriateness.
That’s correct!
But, what are you doing here?
I’m here to assist you, Amos Newbie. To guide you along your spiritual path up the Corporate Ladder. I heard your call for help, in your thin, reedy voice. I’m here to make sure your Big Presentation is a complete success, for it is your destiny to succeed in this endeavor. But I have already revealed too much.
My destiny to succeed? Do I eventually become CEO?
Yes, but I have already revealed too much.
Do I become rich and powerful beyond my wildest dreams?
Yes, but I have already revealed too much.
What kind of car will I drive?
An El Camino, but I have already revealed too much.
How do you know so much about me?
I’m a Spirit Guide, we’re like the Wikipedia of the Netherworld. But we must act fast, we haven’t much time. The Big Presentations are in two days.
Two days! I’ll never be ready in time. Then my destiny won’t be fulfilled, causing a flux in the time-space continuum altering the fate of all mankind and thrusting us all closer and closer to apocalypse. Just like my last job!
Don’t worry, Amos Newbie. I can’t let that happen, not on my watch. Or else it’ll be curtains for me, and I don’t mean drapes!
Everyone keeps saying that, is it a thing I’m not hip to?
Perhaps not now, but you will be, Newbie. You will be. Newbie. Now, come on!
(Kendra drags Amos stage left, as fast and upbeat training music begins. In pantomime, she takes him through a strict training regimen, including jumping jacks, sit-ups, running in place, hand gestures, writing notes, referring to notes and gazing at the audience, shadowboxing, clicking on a slideshow clicker, and taking questions from the audience. When training is done, music stops.)
Not bad, not bad. You’re beginning to get the hang of it. And just in time, too. The Big Presentation is in forty-five minutes.
I can’t do it. I can’t do it, Kendra. I’m too scared. I have a fear of public speaking. What if I get up there and they all laugh at me, or I forget everything I was going to say, or there are bees?
Calm down, Amos Newbie. You’re going to be just fine.
No I won’t! I’m going to get up there and my mind will go blank and I’ll pass out and die and no one will love me!
Don’t worry, most of those things won’t happen. Don’t you remember my training video?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
(Kendra exits as Mary and Gary cross to center.)
Hello again, it’s Gary and Mary, the Safetyness Twins! Yay! Don’t be scared, we’re only here to talk about man’s red flower. No, not a tomato rose, I’m talking about fire.
“Safety first, then women, and, time permitting, children,” is the Official Motto of all Firemen. And they should know, they have the most dangerous job in the universe.
The known universe. Yes, fire is no laughing matter, unless you immolate a clown or ventriloquist. But you wouldn’t be doing that at work.
No, but you may encounter a fire, or God forbid, a fire drill while at work. That’s why we’re here to share with you the Five Simple Rules of Fire Safetyness. Pay attention, or the next life you lose just might be your own.
Rule Number One: Don’t panic. If you panic, you’ll just wet your pants and become more flammable and then die in the most painful and horrific way possible, not to mention the embarrassment over wetting your pants. So chill out, dawg, ‘kay?
Rule Number Two: Seriously, don’t panic. That fire is just as afraid of you as you are of her. It’s one of Mother Nature’s most perplexing paradoxes, like flying fish, jumbo shrimp and reverse racism.
Rule Number Three: When exiting an enflamed structure, form single line and exit in a calm, orderly fashion. No pushing, no shoving, no calling shotgun, no cutting in line. Only tornado drills are every man for himself.
Rule Number Four: If a fire breaks out during a basketball game, find shelter immediately and the team with the most points wins by default. If the score is tied, continue playing until the end of the quarter, or until enough players pass out from smoke inhalation. If you are the Harlem Globetrotters, you automatically win regardless of the score.
And finally, Rule Number Five: If you find yourself aflame, remember to drop, roll and stop, but not necessarily in that order. Dousing yourself with water might help, but a more useful tactic might be to reason with the fire. Ask probing questions, such as why have you chosen to burn me, and was your mother unkind? Above all, try not to think of fire as your enemy, but your friend, and an improver of marshmallows. Only you can strengthen the human-flame relations, and together we can learn to embrace fire and focus on the real threat to humanity, monster trucks.
Yes, together we can rise up and defeat the monster trucks. Perhaps by setting them on fire like a clown or a ventriloquist.
Exactly. And now you know all there is to know about Fire Safetyness. Thank you! Go away!
Hello again, it’s Gary and Mary, the Safetyness Twins! Yay! Don’t be scared, we’re only here to talk about man’s red flower. No, not a tomato rose, I’m talking about fire.
“Safety first, then women, and, time permitting, children,” is the Official Motto of all Firemen. And they should know, they have the most dangerous job in the universe.
The known universe. Yes, fire is no laughing matter, unless you immolate a clown or ventriloquist. But you wouldn’t be doing that at work.
No, but you may encounter a fire, or God forbid, a fire drill while at work. That’s why we’re here to share with you the Five Simple Rules of Fire Safetyness. Pay attention, or the next life you lose just might be your own.
Rule Number One: Don’t panic. If you panic, you’ll just wet your pants and become more flammable and then die in the most painful and horrific way possible, not to mention the embarrassment over wetting your pants. So chill out, dawg, ‘kay?
Rule Number Two: Seriously, don’t panic. That fire is just as afraid of you as you are of her. It’s one of Mother Nature’s most perplexing paradoxes, like flying fish, jumbo shrimp and reverse racism.
Rule Number Three: When exiting an enflamed structure, form single line and exit in a calm, orderly fashion. No pushing, no shoving, no calling shotgun, no cutting in line. Only tornado drills are every man for himself.
Rule Number Four: If a fire breaks out during a basketball game, find shelter immediately and the team with the most points wins by default. If the score is tied, continue playing until the end of the quarter, or until enough players pass out from smoke inhalation. If you are the Harlem Globetrotters, you automatically win regardless of the score.
And finally, Rule Number Five: If you find yourself aflame, remember to drop, roll and stop, but not necessarily in that order. Dousing yourself with water might help, but a more useful tactic might be to reason with the fire. Ask probing questions, such as why have you chosen to burn me, and was your mother unkind? Above all, try not to think of fire as your enemy, but your friend, and an improver of marshmallows. Only you can strengthen the human-flame relations, and together we can learn to embrace fire and focus on the real threat to humanity, monster trucks.
Yes, together we can rise up and defeat the monster trucks. Perhaps by setting them on fire like a clown or a ventriloquist.
Exactly. And now you know all there is to know about Fire Safetyness. Thank you! Go away!
Monday, January 18, 2010
(Amos exits as Kendra enters. She is holding a glass of wine, which she smells, swirls and takes a drink.)
Mmm, earthy! You know, your co-workers are like a really good bottle of wine. They get better with age, are full of anti-oxidants, and can often be found in the liquor aisle of your local grocery store. Much like wine, your co-workers should be appreciated and cared for, until they peak and lose their flavor. As any wino will tell you, wine is best appreciated in bulk. That's why teamwork is so important in the workplace. It just might get you drunk. But what if we’re not all team players? Let’s turn to our Stock Players for elucidation.
(Kendra chugs the remaining wine, lights down on her and up on the Stock Players, stage-right.)
Okay guys, the Henderson Account is due this afternoon, we need to get it finished ASAP, BSAP, CSAP!
Okay, I’ll crunch the numbers.
And I’ll edit, proofread and objectify the report.
And I’ll create the excel spreadsheet and consolidate all the info.
What can I do?
You, you can…. Keep that chair warm.
And pseudo-supervise.
And stay outta the way!
But I want to help. I’m a member of this team, too. You never let me work with you.
It isn’t that I don’t like you. You’re very friendly, and compassionate, and your breasts are outstanding.
You’re right; I am a very good friend. And my tits are to die for. Literally!
It’s just that… you’re a terrible worker.
Whatever do you mean?
You botched the Blunderman project, and you blundered the Botchman project.
Oh, yeah.
You goofed up the time-sensitive Gallifrey job. And you totally blew off the Fellatio file.
So you see you are a part of our team. The nonproductive, underachieving, expendable part.
I get it!
Every team needs one, and we have you. And you’re just as important to the process as I am.
Do you really mean it?
Sort of.
Wow, you’ve really opened my eyes. Now, let me close them again.
(The Stock Players laugh raucously as the lights dim on them and up on Kendra.)
As our Stock Players have illustrated, it’s important to know your role in the team dynamic and adhere to it strictly. Think of your team as a big unit, like Randy Johnson. Your team members are like your siblings, or at the very least, your step-siblings. For while we may never know whether there is an I in team, we can state for certain that there is no I in family.
Mmm, earthy! You know, your co-workers are like a really good bottle of wine. They get better with age, are full of anti-oxidants, and can often be found in the liquor aisle of your local grocery store. Much like wine, your co-workers should be appreciated and cared for, until they peak and lose their flavor. As any wino will tell you, wine is best appreciated in bulk. That's why teamwork is so important in the workplace. It just might get you drunk. But what if we’re not all team players? Let’s turn to our Stock Players for elucidation.
(Kendra chugs the remaining wine, lights down on her and up on the Stock Players, stage-right.)
Okay guys, the Henderson Account is due this afternoon, we need to get it finished ASAP, BSAP, CSAP!
Okay, I’ll crunch the numbers.
And I’ll edit, proofread and objectify the report.
And I’ll create the excel spreadsheet and consolidate all the info.
What can I do?
You, you can…. Keep that chair warm.
And pseudo-supervise.
And stay outta the way!
But I want to help. I’m a member of this team, too. You never let me work with you.
It isn’t that I don’t like you. You’re very friendly, and compassionate, and your breasts are outstanding.
You’re right; I am a very good friend. And my tits are to die for. Literally!
It’s just that… you’re a terrible worker.
Whatever do you mean?
You botched the Blunderman project, and you blundered the Botchman project.
Oh, yeah.
You goofed up the time-sensitive Gallifrey job. And you totally blew off the Fellatio file.
So you see you are a part of our team. The nonproductive, underachieving, expendable part.
I get it!
Every team needs one, and we have you. And you’re just as important to the process as I am.
Do you really mean it?
Sort of.
Wow, you’ve really opened my eyes. Now, let me close them again.
(The Stock Players laugh raucously as the lights dim on them and up on Kendra.)
As our Stock Players have illustrated, it’s important to know your role in the team dynamic and adhere to it strictly. Think of your team as a big unit, like Randy Johnson. Your team members are like your siblings, or at the very least, your step-siblings. For while we may never know whether there is an I in team, we can state for certain that there is no I in family.
Friday, January 15, 2010
(Chad enters followed by Amos and Butch, they cross stage-right.)
All right everybody, sit down, shut up! I’ve been sent here to kick some sense into your individual and collective hinders, and I’m not afraid to do it! I’m a hard ass! That is a medical condition, and why you won’t see me sitting.
Who are you? What’s your name?
What’s my name? My pinkie ring cost more than your kidneys, that’s my name. You drove a Mercury Topaz to work today, I flew a solid gold helicopter, underwater, with my eyes closed to get here, that’s my name! Scooby Merced, that’s my porn star name! Also, my name is Chad.
Wait, what body of water did you fly your helicopter under to get here?
What do you care, princess?
Hey! (To Amos.) Since when are you a princess?
Let’s focus, people! As you know, there is a big potential merger coming up with Nappoff, the biggest corporation in the Japanese hemisphere. And each of you is in charge of a Big Presentation which could make or break this merger. I don’t have to tell you the kind of stress this puts on the bigwigs.
Can you tell us, anyway?
Are you familiar with Atlas, the titular character of the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged?
Imagine being forced to read that book.
Talk about stress!
I am, dammit! Gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you how important this Big Presentation is. Incorpoco has entrusted you two with its future, and the success of this merger lies solely on the efforts of you two. Because of the unusually high importance of this undertaking, Amy CEO has advised that you two will be working independently on two separate presentations, both of which will be judged by the bigwigs and the Japanese alike. And to make this more of a competition, there will be awards for best and for worst presentations.
They’ll be awarding the worst presenter?
They are an equal opportunity employer.
What will we win?
It’s very simple. First prize wins CEO title, and Incorpoco. Anybody wanna see the second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired. Fourth prize is a TV/VCR combo. Fifth prize is we set your house on fire. Sixth prize is a year’s subscription to Rolling Stone. There is no Seventh Prize. Eighth prize is we murder your dog.
What if we don’t have a dog?
We give you a dog and then we murder it. When you least expect it.
They’ve thought of everything.
Except a Seventh prize.
Now keep in mind we are expecting the absolute best you have to offer we will accept nothing less than perfection. Let this be your crowning achievement, men! Let this be your Climbing of Mount Everest, your Moon Landing, your High Noon at Mega Mountain. This will be the most important event of your life. If you get this right, your parents will love you for real, your dreams will come true, and if you’re lucky, Amy CEO will personally pat you on the back. If you screw this up, it’ll be curtains, and I don’t mean drapes!
Where have I heard that before?
Now gentlemen, I’m afraid have to go, my helicopter is doubled-parked in front of a tiger shark. But I hope I’ve imparted some sense of the extreme importance of this Big Presentation. This could make you, or it could break you, but ain’t gonna fake you. Good day.
(Chad exits.)
Good luck, Newbie. I hope you’re flame-retardant, cuz you’re gonna crash and burn!
Not if I have anything to say about it! You’re going down, Butch!
Not if I have anything to say about it! You’re such a team player; let’s see how you work on a team of zero- you being the zero!
(Butch exits, cackling.)
Pah! Who needs teamwork, anyway?
All right everybody, sit down, shut up! I’ve been sent here to kick some sense into your individual and collective hinders, and I’m not afraid to do it! I’m a hard ass! That is a medical condition, and why you won’t see me sitting.
Who are you? What’s your name?
What’s my name? My pinkie ring cost more than your kidneys, that’s my name. You drove a Mercury Topaz to work today, I flew a solid gold helicopter, underwater, with my eyes closed to get here, that’s my name! Scooby Merced, that’s my porn star name! Also, my name is Chad.
Wait, what body of water did you fly your helicopter under to get here?
What do you care, princess?
Hey! (To Amos.) Since when are you a princess?
Let’s focus, people! As you know, there is a big potential merger coming up with Nappoff, the biggest corporation in the Japanese hemisphere. And each of you is in charge of a Big Presentation which could make or break this merger. I don’t have to tell you the kind of stress this puts on the bigwigs.
Can you tell us, anyway?
Are you familiar with Atlas, the titular character of the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged?
Imagine being forced to read that book.
Talk about stress!
I am, dammit! Gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you how important this Big Presentation is. Incorpoco has entrusted you two with its future, and the success of this merger lies solely on the efforts of you two. Because of the unusually high importance of this undertaking, Amy CEO has advised that you two will be working independently on two separate presentations, both of which will be judged by the bigwigs and the Japanese alike. And to make this more of a competition, there will be awards for best and for worst presentations.
They’ll be awarding the worst presenter?
They are an equal opportunity employer.
What will we win?
It’s very simple. First prize wins CEO title, and Incorpoco. Anybody wanna see the second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired. Fourth prize is a TV/VCR combo. Fifth prize is we set your house on fire. Sixth prize is a year’s subscription to Rolling Stone. There is no Seventh Prize. Eighth prize is we murder your dog.
What if we don’t have a dog?
We give you a dog and then we murder it. When you least expect it.
They’ve thought of everything.
Except a Seventh prize.
Now keep in mind we are expecting the absolute best you have to offer we will accept nothing less than perfection. Let this be your crowning achievement, men! Let this be your Climbing of Mount Everest, your Moon Landing, your High Noon at Mega Mountain. This will be the most important event of your life. If you get this right, your parents will love you for real, your dreams will come true, and if you’re lucky, Amy CEO will personally pat you on the back. If you screw this up, it’ll be curtains, and I don’t mean drapes!
Where have I heard that before?
Now gentlemen, I’m afraid have to go, my helicopter is doubled-parked in front of a tiger shark. But I hope I’ve imparted some sense of the extreme importance of this Big Presentation. This could make you, or it could break you, but ain’t gonna fake you. Good day.
(Chad exits.)
Good luck, Newbie. I hope you’re flame-retardant, cuz you’re gonna crash and burn!
Not if I have anything to say about it! You’re going down, Butch!
Not if I have anything to say about it! You’re such a team player; let’s see how you work on a team of zero- you being the zero!
(Butch exits, cackling.)
Pah! Who needs teamwork, anyway?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
(Kendra exits, Mary and Gary cross to center.)
Thanks, Kendra. Hiya! We’re Mary and Gary, the Safetyness Twins!
And we’re here to discuss Knife Safetyness.
That’s right. Not everyone has to use a knife in their workday routine, but absolutely everyone everywhere uses a knife at some point in their personal lives. Maybe you’re a chef, or a surgeon, or a Crocodile Dundee enthusiast. Whatever the reason, be prepared to lose all your fingers and most of your toes!
She’s kidding of course, but it is important to familiarize yourself with how to handle a knife, or perhaps more importantly, how not to handle a knife. But not really, the more important lesson is how to handle a knife.
So we’ve compiled a list of the 8 Simple Rules of Knife Safetyness so you can avoid having any accidents whatsoever. Guaranteed!
Rule Number One: Before using your knife, be sure to lay down newspaper all over the room and any adjoining rooms, to collect all the blood that’s sure to spurt everywhere. If you are a canary or hamster, you’ll most likely prefer this newspaper shredded first, and will not own a knife.
Rule Number Two: Knives are a lot like teeth. They're sharp, they cut through meat and vegetables, and they can really impress first dates and job interviews. One rumor had it that Bowie knives were actually made from the teeth of popular musician David Bowie. This is highly unlikely, but has yet to be disproven.
Rule Number Three: To help you become familiar and comfortable with your new knife, give it a nickname, such as Stabby or Jeff, or Stabby Jeff.
Rule Number Four: Never operate a knife if you've been taking medication. Unlike a gun, knives can cause serious side effects such as blood loss, loss of appetite, loss of limbs, loss of hair, loss of life, drowsiness, headaches, and in some cases, cuts.
Rule Number Five: Even though as you become more familiar with your knife you will grow fond of it, do not kiss it. You don’t know where it’s been, and it will NOT reciprocate.
Rule Number Six: Remember the Alamo.
Rule Number Seven: Your knife should be like an extension of yourself. Hold it like you would your firstborn child, between your forefinger and thumb.
And finally, Rule Number Eight: When you’ve finally finished using your knife, be sure to clean it thoroughly around the hilt and behind the ears, place gently in its sheath, stuff it in the back of your desk drawer, place the desk in the cellar, lock the cellar and move exactly two counties away. If your children are still able to access and injure themselves with the knife, blame Korean cinema.
And there you have it! Remember, working with a knife is fun and easy, but it’s also dangerous, difficult and no fun at all.
The most important thing is to have fun!
And to apply pressure to any and all wounds. Thank you!
Thanks, Kendra. Hiya! We’re Mary and Gary, the Safetyness Twins!
And we’re here to discuss Knife Safetyness.
That’s right. Not everyone has to use a knife in their workday routine, but absolutely everyone everywhere uses a knife at some point in their personal lives. Maybe you’re a chef, or a surgeon, or a Crocodile Dundee enthusiast. Whatever the reason, be prepared to lose all your fingers and most of your toes!
She’s kidding of course, but it is important to familiarize yourself with how to handle a knife, or perhaps more importantly, how not to handle a knife. But not really, the more important lesson is how to handle a knife.
So we’ve compiled a list of the 8 Simple Rules of Knife Safetyness so you can avoid having any accidents whatsoever. Guaranteed!
Rule Number One: Before using your knife, be sure to lay down newspaper all over the room and any adjoining rooms, to collect all the blood that’s sure to spurt everywhere. If you are a canary or hamster, you’ll most likely prefer this newspaper shredded first, and will not own a knife.
Rule Number Two: Knives are a lot like teeth. They're sharp, they cut through meat and vegetables, and they can really impress first dates and job interviews. One rumor had it that Bowie knives were actually made from the teeth of popular musician David Bowie. This is highly unlikely, but has yet to be disproven.
Rule Number Three: To help you become familiar and comfortable with your new knife, give it a nickname, such as Stabby or Jeff, or Stabby Jeff.
Rule Number Four: Never operate a knife if you've been taking medication. Unlike a gun, knives can cause serious side effects such as blood loss, loss of appetite, loss of limbs, loss of hair, loss of life, drowsiness, headaches, and in some cases, cuts.
Rule Number Five: Even though as you become more familiar with your knife you will grow fond of it, do not kiss it. You don’t know where it’s been, and it will NOT reciprocate.
Rule Number Six: Remember the Alamo.
Rule Number Seven: Your knife should be like an extension of yourself. Hold it like you would your firstborn child, between your forefinger and thumb.
And finally, Rule Number Eight: When you’ve finally finished using your knife, be sure to clean it thoroughly around the hilt and behind the ears, place gently in its sheath, stuff it in the back of your desk drawer, place the desk in the cellar, lock the cellar and move exactly two counties away. If your children are still able to access and injure themselves with the knife, blame Korean cinema.
And there you have it! Remember, working with a knife is fun and easy, but it’s also dangerous, difficult and no fun at all.
The most important thing is to have fun!
And to apply pressure to any and all wounds. Thank you!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Isn’t remembering fun? Now, let’s talk about something not nearly as fun. Discrimination! Not an attractive word, is it? You may say that, but you’d then be caught in a web of discrimination yourself. A web not full of flies, but of hate, misunderstandings, and maybe flies. Let’s break down the word to get to the root of the problem. The first part of discrimination is Dis, which any young person can tell you means to insult, as in, “I should not have dissed that black man’s shoes, perhaps he has a gun!” The next part of the word is crimin, as in criminal, because if you discriminate, you are a criminal, and the police will shoot you. And lastly, there’s nation, which symbolizes that this problem faces the entire United Nation of the Americas. But how do you recognize discrimination in the workplace? I’m glad I asked. Let’s take a look at this scenario by the Stock Players and see if it contains any examples of discrimination. If you see any, keep them to yourself, no one likes a braggart.
(Stock Players enter.)
Did you see that scary movie on TV last night?
Sure did! It really gave me the heebie-jeebies, especially when they killed that Oriental with an axe.
Please, don’t use such offensive language. The correct term is Hebrew Jewbies.
I didn’t know you belonged to that crazy religion, sugar boobs.
My religious beliefs are none of your biz-wax! And don’t call me sugar boobs, it’s offensive and demeaning.
Forgive me, Splenda boobs.
Not okay! And Oriental is a rug, not a race. Be more sensitive, my grandfather was a rug salesman.
You look like the granddaughter of a rug salesman, what with the dark hair and skinny forearms.
That’s a stereotype that I resent resembling! Recant that remark, you horrid co-worker!
All this… racial tension… causing… cardiac… arrest.
(Gary collapses.)
Though he is a terrible racist, I hope he doesn’t die. Because I’m better than him.
(Lights down on Stock Players, back up on Kendra.)
As you can see, discrimination hurts more than those being discriminated against. It hurts those doing the discriminating as well. It’s really a shit deal for everyone. Now, how can that same scenario be played out so that discrimination never even enters the picture? Stock Players, take it away!
(Lights back up on Stock Players.)
Did you see that scary movie on TV last night?
Talk about Hebrew Jewbies! And when that person of Unknown Asian Descent was axed? With an axe? It was so gruesome! But I know you can handle it, because men and women are equal, in the eyes of whichever deity we choose.
My grandfather was a rug salesman.
(Lights out on Stock Players, back to Kendra.)
That was much better! And it proves that discrimination is wrong, regardless of a person’s race, occupation, or if they worship God, Jew God, Allah, Vishnu, Ghost Dad, or Spock's brother. And always remember the Four F’s of Tolerance: Freedom, Forgiveness, Friendship and the Fourth F.
Isn’t remembering fun? Now, let’s talk about something not nearly as fun. Discrimination! Not an attractive word, is it? You may say that, but you’d then be caught in a web of discrimination yourself. A web not full of flies, but of hate, misunderstandings, and maybe flies. Let’s break down the word to get to the root of the problem. The first part of discrimination is Dis, which any young person can tell you means to insult, as in, “I should not have dissed that black man’s shoes, perhaps he has a gun!” The next part of the word is crimin, as in criminal, because if you discriminate, you are a criminal, and the police will shoot you. And lastly, there’s nation, which symbolizes that this problem faces the entire United Nation of the Americas. But how do you recognize discrimination in the workplace? I’m glad I asked. Let’s take a look at this scenario by the Stock Players and see if it contains any examples of discrimination. If you see any, keep them to yourself, no one likes a braggart.
(Stock Players enter.)
Did you see that scary movie on TV last night?
Sure did! It really gave me the heebie-jeebies, especially when they killed that Oriental with an axe.
Please, don’t use such offensive language. The correct term is Hebrew Jewbies.
I didn’t know you belonged to that crazy religion, sugar boobs.
My religious beliefs are none of your biz-wax! And don’t call me sugar boobs, it’s offensive and demeaning.
Forgive me, Splenda boobs.
Not okay! And Oriental is a rug, not a race. Be more sensitive, my grandfather was a rug salesman.
You look like the granddaughter of a rug salesman, what with the dark hair and skinny forearms.
That’s a stereotype that I resent resembling! Recant that remark, you horrid co-worker!
All this… racial tension… causing… cardiac… arrest.
(Gary collapses.)
Though he is a terrible racist, I hope he doesn’t die. Because I’m better than him.
(Lights down on Stock Players, back up on Kendra.)
As you can see, discrimination hurts more than those being discriminated against. It hurts those doing the discriminating as well. It’s really a shit deal for everyone. Now, how can that same scenario be played out so that discrimination never even enters the picture? Stock Players, take it away!
(Lights back up on Stock Players.)
Did you see that scary movie on TV last night?
Talk about Hebrew Jewbies! And when that person of Unknown Asian Descent was axed? With an axe? It was so gruesome! But I know you can handle it, because men and women are equal, in the eyes of whichever deity we choose.
My grandfather was a rug salesman.
(Lights out on Stock Players, back to Kendra.)
That was much better! And it proves that discrimination is wrong, regardless of a person’s race, occupation, or if they worship God, Jew God, Allah, Vishnu, Ghost Dad, or Spock's brother. And always remember the Four F’s of Tolerance: Freedom, Forgiveness, Friendship and the Fourth F.
Friday, January 8, 2010
(Kendra enters in business attire. She addresses the audience.)
Hello, and welcome to your first day at Incorpoco. My name is Kendra, and I’m here to assist you in becoming better acquainted with the ins and outs, as well as the dos and don’ts of corporate America. A new career can be fun and exciting, but it can also be frightening, difficult, and even fatal. I’m here to guide you through the proverbial minefield that is the modern workplace, in a series of lessons we call Workplace Appropriateness, or Workplace Ap-Pro-Pryatee-ness for the pronunciation challenged. I’ll be Mother Teresa, and you’ll be the lepers, and when we’ve finished, you will be cured and ready to join the work force, and I will most assuredly be canonized. But let’s not put the cart in front of the horse, so to speak. There’s nothing worse than over-thinking expectations, aside from disgruntled livestock. Let’s begin first by reflecting on how you have come to be hired by this company. Reflect on the big job interview, and those highly important first impressions. Remember, remember, remember…
(She gestures stage-right. A table and two chairs are set up. Amos and Butch enter.)
Come on in, Amos, don’t be shy. So, this is Conference Room C-22. What do you think?
It’s nice, is it a special room or something?
Special in the sense that it was the only room available. Why, did you want something better, flashier, something on level D or E, perhaps?
No, no, C is fine.
Fantastic! I’m so glad we’re able to accommodate you.
No, no, I didn’t mean-
Relax, Amos, I’m just funnin’ ya! We like to fun around here, especially with the subordinates. You seem a little nervous. Butterflies in the stomach?
Moths, actually. I accidentally swallowed a desk lamp.
Well, relax, there’s nothing worry about. Have a seat.
(Amos begins to sit in the stage-left chair.)
Not there! The other chair, please.
Sorry about that.
It’s no problemo. That’s Spanish for problem, which it is not. Did you need anything? Coffee? Tea? Espresso? Water? Juice? Soda? Energy drink?
No thank you, I’m not thirsty.
Didn’t ask that, did I? TMI, if you know what I mean. But let’s press on. Amos, you have a very impressive resume. Quite the storied work history. Assistant Manager of Video Hut Videos, interning at the Us Weekly for kids magazine Wee Us Weekly, Wolf-Man Puncher-Outer for the CIA, it’s all very extraordinary, and most likely true.
Thanks, I’m flattered. Why most likely?
Well, I’ve perused your records here, and I can hardly refute these numbers. Numbers don’t lie, do they Amos?
No, they can’t. It’s mathematically impossible, I believe.
Oh really? Then why is it that I have trouble believing these numbers? These numbers are the deceptive exception to the truthful rule that numbers do not lie. If these numbers had faces they’d be bald! They lie that baldly!
Now hang on a tic, there. These are fully bearded numbers, if I say so myself. These are honest, God-fearing, Middle American numbers.
Please, this 8 looks like two 3’s doing the Shasta McNasty, and this 10 is clearly a collapsed 4 with a 0 hastily drawn next to it in mechanical pencil.
So I fudged some numbers. Who doesn’t like fudge? No harm done. Besides, I’m popular, not unlike fudge, and numbers can’t truly convey popularity. Just ask fudge.
Yes, you’re very popular. I contacted everyone on your reference list and each had glowing accolades. They claim you could sell a snow cone to an Eskimo, that you could sell water to a drowning man, Amos can sell Kibbles ‘N Bits to a cat, you could sell Mother’s Day cards to an orphan, and that you could sell farts to a gassy, fat man.
And I stand by each and every one of those testimonials. They warm my heart, they truly do.
That’s fantastic Amos; however, need I remind you that not once in your storied work history did you work as a salesman? Not to mention gassy, fat men will buy anything?
I take umbrage to that, you cannot fault a man honest positive feedback, no matter how little it applies to him. A second time, I take umbrage.
Honest feedback? Your references are listed as, respectively: John Q. Public, Ima Pseudonym, Faker O’Notarealperson, and Launchpad McQuack. And they all have the same phone number, which makes me especially suspicious. Still, I suppose it’s my responsibility as Head Interrogator to give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
Biggest strengths would be that I’m a people person, a team player and I work well with others. Also, I’m a self-starter, like a haunted car, and I have a strong right profile. Biggest weaknesses would be over-perfectionism, workaholism, and my three major fears. Failure, obviously. Public speaking. And bees.
Bees, you say?
Yeah, that’s how Macaulay Culkin died!
Fair enough. Where do you see yourself in five years?
My ten-year plan is to take over this company and turn it into a fascist dictatorship. So in five years, most likely your job.
Uh-huh. And do you see yourself attaining my position through the same questionable means you have used to attain your other positions?
Are you insinuating what I’m insinuating you’re insinuating?
Amos, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon or a dental hygienist to confirm just exactly what I’m insinuating. That your pants would be on fire were you wearing any.
I am wearing pants.
You know what I think? I think you’re threatened by me, that I’m going to come in here and take over your turf like a tap-dancing hoodlum, and you’ll be eating my syncopated dust.
Threatened, am I? Eating dust, even? I’ll show you!
(Amos and Butch begin to fight. Amy, the big boss, enters.)
Gentlemen, question mark! What is the meaning of this gratuitous gratuity?
Just the standard interview process, Madame CEO.
Tussling? In your neckties? You know how I disapprove of that.
Many apologies, Madame CEO. I was just interviewing young Amos here, and I let my emotions cloud my judgment.
Let your emotions cloud your judgment? You know how I feel about clouds! What position is he applying for?
Interoffice Intercostal Administrative Processing Associate Three, Madame CEO.
(Amy flips through his file.)
Hmm. HMM. Hmm. Interesting. Amos, welcome aboard.
Thank you, Madame CEO.
Don’t mention it. And the next time you talk to Ima Pseudonym, tell her Amy CEO says go fuck herself. But in a sarcastic voice, so she’s knows you’re kidding.
(Amy exits.)
All right, Amos, you win this round. But I’ll make sure your life here is a living hell, get me? A living hell! Now, report to Security to get your badge and here’s a coupon for free lunch today. You better get something you don’t like for lunch, because if I catch you enjoying yourself, it’ll be curtains, and I don’t mean drapes! Get me?
Oh, I got you. Now you listen to me, and you listen good: Where is the security desk?
I’ll show you, but I’ll be cold-shouldering you so hard on the way there, you’ll need a parka and snowpants.
(They exit, passing Kendra.)
Hello, and welcome to your first day at Incorpoco. My name is Kendra, and I’m here to assist you in becoming better acquainted with the ins and outs, as well as the dos and don’ts of corporate America. A new career can be fun and exciting, but it can also be frightening, difficult, and even fatal. I’m here to guide you through the proverbial minefield that is the modern workplace, in a series of lessons we call Workplace Appropriateness, or Workplace Ap-Pro-Pryatee-ness for the pronunciation challenged. I’ll be Mother Teresa, and you’ll be the lepers, and when we’ve finished, you will be cured and ready to join the work force, and I will most assuredly be canonized. But let’s not put the cart in front of the horse, so to speak. There’s nothing worse than over-thinking expectations, aside from disgruntled livestock. Let’s begin first by reflecting on how you have come to be hired by this company. Reflect on the big job interview, and those highly important first impressions. Remember, remember, remember…
(She gestures stage-right. A table and two chairs are set up. Amos and Butch enter.)
Come on in, Amos, don’t be shy. So, this is Conference Room C-22. What do you think?
It’s nice, is it a special room or something?
Special in the sense that it was the only room available. Why, did you want something better, flashier, something on level D or E, perhaps?
No, no, C is fine.
Fantastic! I’m so glad we’re able to accommodate you.
No, no, I didn’t mean-
Relax, Amos, I’m just funnin’ ya! We like to fun around here, especially with the subordinates. You seem a little nervous. Butterflies in the stomach?
Moths, actually. I accidentally swallowed a desk lamp.
Well, relax, there’s nothing worry about. Have a seat.
(Amos begins to sit in the stage-left chair.)
Not there! The other chair, please.
Sorry about that.
It’s no problemo. That’s Spanish for problem, which it is not. Did you need anything? Coffee? Tea? Espresso? Water? Juice? Soda? Energy drink?
No thank you, I’m not thirsty.
Didn’t ask that, did I? TMI, if you know what I mean. But let’s press on. Amos, you have a very impressive resume. Quite the storied work history. Assistant Manager of Video Hut Videos, interning at the Us Weekly for kids magazine Wee Us Weekly, Wolf-Man Puncher-Outer for the CIA, it’s all very extraordinary, and most likely true.
Thanks, I’m flattered. Why most likely?
Well, I’ve perused your records here, and I can hardly refute these numbers. Numbers don’t lie, do they Amos?
No, they can’t. It’s mathematically impossible, I believe.
Oh really? Then why is it that I have trouble believing these numbers? These numbers are the deceptive exception to the truthful rule that numbers do not lie. If these numbers had faces they’d be bald! They lie that baldly!
Now hang on a tic, there. These are fully bearded numbers, if I say so myself. These are honest, God-fearing, Middle American numbers.
Please, this 8 looks like two 3’s doing the Shasta McNasty, and this 10 is clearly a collapsed 4 with a 0 hastily drawn next to it in mechanical pencil.
So I fudged some numbers. Who doesn’t like fudge? No harm done. Besides, I’m popular, not unlike fudge, and numbers can’t truly convey popularity. Just ask fudge.
Yes, you’re very popular. I contacted everyone on your reference list and each had glowing accolades. They claim you could sell a snow cone to an Eskimo, that you could sell water to a drowning man, Amos can sell Kibbles ‘N Bits to a cat, you could sell Mother’s Day cards to an orphan, and that you could sell farts to a gassy, fat man.
And I stand by each and every one of those testimonials. They warm my heart, they truly do.
That’s fantastic Amos; however, need I remind you that not once in your storied work history did you work as a salesman? Not to mention gassy, fat men will buy anything?
I take umbrage to that, you cannot fault a man honest positive feedback, no matter how little it applies to him. A second time, I take umbrage.
Honest feedback? Your references are listed as, respectively: John Q. Public, Ima Pseudonym, Faker O’Notarealperson, and Launchpad McQuack. And they all have the same phone number, which makes me especially suspicious. Still, I suppose it’s my responsibility as Head Interrogator to give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
Biggest strengths would be that I’m a people person, a team player and I work well with others. Also, I’m a self-starter, like a haunted car, and I have a strong right profile. Biggest weaknesses would be over-perfectionism, workaholism, and my three major fears. Failure, obviously. Public speaking. And bees.
Bees, you say?
Yeah, that’s how Macaulay Culkin died!
Fair enough. Where do you see yourself in five years?
My ten-year plan is to take over this company and turn it into a fascist dictatorship. So in five years, most likely your job.
Uh-huh. And do you see yourself attaining my position through the same questionable means you have used to attain your other positions?
Are you insinuating what I’m insinuating you’re insinuating?
Amos, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon or a dental hygienist to confirm just exactly what I’m insinuating. That your pants would be on fire were you wearing any.
I am wearing pants.
You know what I think? I think you’re threatened by me, that I’m going to come in here and take over your turf like a tap-dancing hoodlum, and you’ll be eating my syncopated dust.
Threatened, am I? Eating dust, even? I’ll show you!
(Amos and Butch begin to fight. Amy, the big boss, enters.)
Gentlemen, question mark! What is the meaning of this gratuitous gratuity?
Just the standard interview process, Madame CEO.
Tussling? In your neckties? You know how I disapprove of that.
Many apologies, Madame CEO. I was just interviewing young Amos here, and I let my emotions cloud my judgment.
Let your emotions cloud your judgment? You know how I feel about clouds! What position is he applying for?
Interoffice Intercostal Administrative Processing Associate Three, Madame CEO.
(Amy flips through his file.)
Hmm. HMM. Hmm. Interesting. Amos, welcome aboard.
Thank you, Madame CEO.
Don’t mention it. And the next time you talk to Ima Pseudonym, tell her Amy CEO says go fuck herself. But in a sarcastic voice, so she’s knows you’re kidding.
(Amy exits.)
All right, Amos, you win this round. But I’ll make sure your life here is a living hell, get me? A living hell! Now, report to Security to get your badge and here’s a coupon for free lunch today. You better get something you don’t like for lunch, because if I catch you enjoying yourself, it’ll be curtains, and I don’t mean drapes! Get me?
Oh, I got you. Now you listen to me, and you listen good: Where is the security desk?
I’ll show you, but I’ll be cold-shouldering you so hard on the way there, you’ll need a parka and snowpants.
(They exit, passing Kendra.)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Once again, I am pleased as Punch Out! to announce the serial posting of a little stage play, this one entitled Cubicle. It takes place in the workplace, and though there are no actual cubicles in the play itself, they are strongly implied. Or something.
I also am proud as Punch Out! to admit that this website has gone green just in time for it to go out of style, and consequently I am recycling many, many, many, many jokes and whatnot that have already classicly graced this site, like Grace Kelly (who has never visited this site.) In spite of the repeated gags, which, incidentally are even funnier the second time, guaranteed! I hope you enjoy this play thingie as much as I do. Or else (?)
I also am proud as Punch Out! to admit that this website has gone green just in time for it to go out of style, and consequently I am recycling many, many, many, many jokes and whatnot that have already classicly graced this site, like Grace Kelly (who has never visited this site.) In spite of the repeated gags, which, incidentally are even funnier the second time, guaranteed! I hope you enjoy this play thingie as much as I do. Or else (?)
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