Tuesday, December 9, 2008


-The Pterodactyl was nicknamed the Sweet Potato of the Sky.
-Saber-Tooth Tigers briefly attempted a positive image spin by changing their name to The Butter Knife Kitties. No one was fooled, and the name was retired due to this, and to the fact that the Burger King tie-in toys turned out to be a choking hazard.
-Among the cultural and scientific advances created by the dinosaurs: vegetarianism, transience, lizards, fossils, swimming for long distances, growling, summer school, express mail and the RSVP.
-Brontosauruses did in fact have a brain the size of a pea, which wreaked havoc on their memory, and as such they were constantly sending out birthday cards to keep from missing out on the actual day.
-Triceratops was not only known for their three horns, but for being the swingingest dinosaur, if you know what I mean.
-The arms of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were placed perfectly for Texas Hold ‘Em, but ironically their favorite card game was 52 Pick Up.
-The only known dinosaur poet was William Carlos Williams.
-The term, “egg on one’s face,” is derived from the dinosaurs. It was literally being caught with the fetus of another dinosaur on your face, which was a tremendous social faux-pas and usually resulted in scorn, ridicule and disembowelment, much like today.
-There was a brief and unsuccessful attempt at bringing dinosaurs back to life six years ago, based on the classic science fiction film about reanimating prehistoric creatures, Cocoon. Much like that film, the project’s ending was bittersweet, in a heartbreaking cut in funding.
-The meteor that ultimately killed off the dinosaurs was foreseen by a soothsayer, who was roundly ignored, due to his alarmingly terrible track record. Among his other predictions were the carnivores seeing the destructive nature of their ways, the stegosaurus landing on the moon and the insistence that there was no way George W. Bush would serve two terms.

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