Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Greetings, False Moustache readers! Over the next three weeks or so, I will be posting serially, in its entirety, with all the bells and whistles and stage directions, Look Out! Pterodactyls!! Run!!!, a Hilarity in Ten Monologues. I’m a big fan of this play (and myself in general) so I’m excited to present this to you via the internet, but before I do, I wanted to warn you: those déjà vu symptoms you feel, there’s a reason for those. Some of the jokes which appear in this magnum opus of mine have previously appeared right here on this very blog upon which you read right now. One of them is essentially a post repurposed for the play (which is old enough that I’m sure no one has read it, so good news for me!) I considered rewriting, but I just think they work so gosh-darned well in the context that I decided to leave them in. Hey, it worked for W.C. Fields. And everybody read his blog! So please, read on, read aloud if you must, bleep the dirty parts if you’re at work, and definitely let me know what you think. As long as you really, really like it.