Wednesday, July 15, 2009


There’s too many girls in my bed,

There’s too many girls in my bed.

I’ll repeat what I just said,

That there’s too many girls in my bed.

The Fire Marshall’s gonna be pissed,

I’ll have to cross one off the girls in my bed list.

If a fire breaks out, we’re all dead,

From the too many girls in my bed.

We started out partying on the lawn,

That’s when I did my best Don Juan.

One thing led to another and another and another,

Now we’re really getting to know each other.

But there’s too many girls in my bed,

There’s too many girls in my bed.

I’ll probably lose my monogamy cred,

If word of these too many girls spreads.

Now the time has come for me to choose,

Who will win me and of me who will lose?

I will send half of these girls away,

And the other half I’ll allow to stay.

Because there’s too many girls in my bed,

There’s too many girls in my bed.

When I found out, my face was red,

It was the biggest mistake since sliced bread.

So now half of the girls have left,

And now I lie here feeling bereft.

I’m like a church but minus the steeple,

You open the door and see just a few people.

Because there’s not enough girls in my bed,

There’s not enough girls in my bed.

I wish the other girls hadn’t of fled,

Because there’s not enough girls in my bed.

And now the outside is losing its bright,

As the daytime absconds with the light.

A few phone calls will set all aright,

And I’ll have a mathematically perfect night.

Cuz there’ll be just enough girls in my bed,

There’ll be just enough girls in my bed.

It won’t be too sparse or overcrowded,

There’ll be just enough girls in my bed.


Thomas said...

Confused yet I know I should like it.

MARK J. HANSEN said...

I'm thinking of putting this quote on my banner, as I feel it pretty much sums up the blog as a whole.